(Warning: This is a long asssssssssss post // I will translate this post......soon)

Hi guys, many things happened in my life lately. I don't know where to start but I have a great urge to write a post about clubbing, a post that would help (or not lol) those who have never been to a club (eg: my little sister who turned 18 recently), those who are freaking curious, those who are planning to go to one or those who just want to read a random blog post from me.

Disclaimer: I don't go to clubs frequently. I have only been to clubs for less than 5 times but everything I am going to write next are the things I have learnt from my past experiences.

1. Always take care of yourself first 

You are not selfish for taking care of yourself first (I am not asking you to ditch your friends). When 
you can look after yourself, you are also giving less troubles to the others.  Don't attempt to look after others when you can't even take care of yourself. You should always remember YOU are your own first priority.

2. Never block drinks for ANYONE 

When I say "anyone", it literally means everyone including that one friend of yours who tells you he/she can't consume any alcohol. This might be one of the weirdest advice you have ever seen but I find this extremely important and I would say this is one of the biggest lessons I have ever learn in my entire life.

Don't be ambitious, no matter how well you can drink, a person with bad intentions who wants you drunk will do whatever it takes to achieve that effect (eg: order a variety of alcohol to make you lose your conscious faster).

"What should I do if someone wants to my friend to drink? He/she is not a good drinker!"
First of all, you are not a "great" drinker yourself. Please mind your own business.
Second, let your friend drink a little (while you keep an eye on him/her by the side) because this is how it works in the club. There will be situations where people buy you drinks and stuff like that.
The moment you thought you're 'rescuing' your friend by finishing all his/her drinks, that someone with bad intentions will switch the focus from your friend to you instead.When you're powerless, he/she (or his/her other evil friends lol) will continue their plan to make your friend drunk. What will happen next is that you will lose your conscious faster than you imagined, you then put both you and your friend(s) in danger.

3. True love don't exist (especially in a club) 

According to a study that calculates the possibility of one meeting his/her true love (click here to read more), the odds of meeting your love is 1 in 562 people while talking to people in bars/clubs will increase your odds by 9%. This shows that even if your true love does exist in a club, the probability will still be 1 in 511 people. Another study showed that (click here to read more) the chances of finding love is just 1 in 285,000 people.

Confused with the numbers? In short, the chances of finding you true love is very low, which means 
the chances of finding your true love in a club is even lower. Don't be stupid and think that the random guy who flirted with you is "the one". It's either LUST or INFATUATION.
I hate to break it to you but there is also a high possibility that the random guy is already in a relationship but yet he still choose to flirt with you when his girlfriend is not around. Yes, this happens.

4. Ladies, please bring some money with you 


Please don't expect the guys to pay all the time. Yes, if he asked you to go to a club, he should offer to pay but this doesn't mean that you don't have to bring any money at all. You never know what would happen. You should also offer to pay for a portion unless the guys insist you not to. Otherwise, be nice and offer to pay.

5. Club with your trusted friends 

There will be situations whereby you will be asked to join a party cause someone's baller friend is paying for the whole bill. Don't get tempted to go just because it's free. Nothing comes free, you might not need to pay in cash but they might make you pay even more, in other forms.
Go with friends you trust, friends you can have fun with, friends who would look after you (and vice versa). Don't owe anyone and don't participate in parties when you already know you won't enjoy it genuinely.

6. Avoid wearing a jumpsuit 


Jumpsuits are cute but it can be inconvenient. My friend, "A" once took care of a girl who wore a jumpsuit. "A" told me that the girl had trouble in the washroom because she was drunk and so she could not take off her own jumpsuit to use the toilet lol. So yeah, avoid wearing one just so you could save yourself in the washroom.

7. Eat before you drink; drink after you drink 


A research studied on a group of people who consume alcohol in two separate days- one where they drank with an empty stomach; another where they drank after breakfast. When the participants drink after they had food, the rate of intoxication was much slower and the blood-alcohol levels were lower (click here to read more). So, try not to drink with an empty stomach, always eat something beforehand.

After the crazy night out, you are most probably gonna experience hangover in the next day. Remember to drinks lots of water because alcohol usually dehydrates our body. For me, I like honey water but everyone has different preferences so find out what works best for you.

8. Never forget to remove your makeup 


For those who wear makeup, please never ever forget to take off your makeup. Sleeping with makeup harms your skin A LOT. No matter how drunk you are, you must not forget to take off your contact lenses (if you wear them) and makeup. Buy makeup wipes to remove your makeup, they are convenient, easy to carry and simple enough to use especially when you are lazy.

9. Not everyone who goes clubbing is a bad person 

I think many people often have misconceptions towards people who goes clubbing. Not everyone who goes clubbing wants to get laid. Not everyone who goes clubbing uses drugs. Not everyone who goes clubbing is a wh _ _ _ or sl _ _ or f _ _ _ _ _ y. Some people like me and my friends, we just want to unwind, dance and have fun. Don't generalize under the influence of media or simply just because of that one particular person you know.

10. Never drunk drive 


Those who drunk drive either ruin their cars, their lives or both. Get a Uber/Grab/cab whenever you can. Otherwise, call someone you trust (example: your sister a.k.a me) or someone who is sober to drive you home. Don't force yourself or anyone to drive when they can't even walk in a straight line, it's never worth risking lives like this.

11. Drunk people are more honest (and they do stupid things) 


According to a study, alcohol will kind of slow down or worse, shut down our brain's "alarm signal" which means it makes us care less when we make a mistake or when we say something inappropriate (click here to read more). We know what we are doing even when we are drunk but it just brings out the "I don't give a f" attitude in us. This means drunk people do not undergo a lot of thinking process in their brain. They just do and say whatever they want.

This is when you will learn a lot of things.  You will see one's true colours. You will have friends who ditch you for other guys/girls (I hope you don't). You will have friends who get drunk after a sip of alcohol. You will have friends who is as emotional as Romeo after a drink or two. You will make decisions that you regret the next morning but it's okay, learn from your past mistakes. Remember, everything happens for a damn reason.

12. Do not conform, make your own decision and have fun! 


If you read until here and you feel like "Man, clubbing sounds like a lot of work and precautions", it's totally normal. I know people who think clubbing is a waste of time and money; I also know people who really enjoy it.
People will judge you no matter what you do.
If you go to a club, people will judge you and give you names like "that attention wh _ _ _" , "player" and more.

If you don't, people will still judge you by calling you "boring", "nerd" and so on.                                If you don't feel like going one, don't. 
If you feel like going one, just do it.
Trust your own instincts, do whatever is happy for you because just like what I have mentioned previously- "You should always remember YOU are your own first priority".

So, I really hope this post would (kinda) give an insight to every single one of you who is currently reading my blog. Thanks for reading anyways!
Haven't blogged in quite a while. I am struggling between if I should keep my life more privately or I should be more active on social medias. The ironic part is that these two contradict each other.

That aside, I talked to somebody I know recently. I used to view him as a friend and I used to share my concerns with him. He told me he always thought I seemed "desperate". I was shocked, I never know people view me this way. I did not realize how some of my words, actions or whatever it is would lead to such comment.

With a heavy heart, I realize, as mentioned in one of my previous posts- "You are not me". People will misunderstand, accuse and judge you no matter what. Only you know what's happening. This incident also made me realize how all these usually come from people who don't know you well. I felt more relieved now though, no point arguing with strangers, no point keeping such negativity in life. When people turn your weakness into a weapon against you, leave them and prove them wrong.

 I hope whoever who is experiencing similar accusations (no matter what that is) would feel better somehow after reading my short and random blog post. Have a nice day x
Hi guys, long time no see, I was busy with my internship work and now uni life. Today, I am going to recommend a dimsum place in Ipoh. No, it's not Foosan or Mingkok, it's a place called Chooi Yue. It's not going to super detailed, just photos and stuff.

Tel: 016-534 5965/ 05-5417997
Operating hours: 7am onwards (usually they close around 2pm+) 
*They close on Thursdays 星期四休息哦
Address: 2 & 4, Tingkat Taman Ipoh 12, Taman Ipoh Selatan, 31400 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia

Regarding the parking, there is an alley right beside the shop and it's one-way so you are recommended to park your vehicle there. Another thing to pay attention is that please buy a parking coupon because you can kena saman very easily in that area.


The alley I mentioned is at the right side

Please take note that they close on Thursdays.

Look at the fooooooooooooood. 

★ 5/5
This dumpling is me and my mum's favorite, highly recommend! 

✰ 3.5/5
This one is scallop with minced ginger, pretty good too.

it doesn't taste bad but it's nothing special

 ✰ 4/5
shrimp wrap (?) their shrimps are really bigggg
虾饺,里面的虾真的蛮大的 :D

Look how focused my friend is haha

✰ 4/5
This salted-egg with lotus paste pau is really special, it's also an must eat item! Whatever inside will explode after a bite.
Step 1: you peel the paper off
Step 2: you appreciate its beauty

Step 3: you are ready to eat :D

✰ 3/5

✰ 3.5/5

✰ 4/5
This is my favorite too! Spring rollsssss

★ 5/5
Xiao loong bao = heaven
小笼包= 天。堂

For the two pictures above, I can't remember what their names and taste are so to be updated*

✰ 4/5

✰ 4/5
This is my friend's favorite, some fried shrimp thingy.

Who would specially like this restaurant? 
Everyone. I personally hate going "touristy" places but I really like this place cause you won't only see tourists there but also locals (those from Ipoh like me) will also pay a visit to this place. By the way, my non-Ipoh friends also love this place and they always mention about this place whenever they visit Ipoh.

Is this price range okay?
I think it's alright. Usually it's like RM20 plus per person. (This is just a rough idea of the price, it really depends on you and the people you are going with)

How is the environment?
The environment is fine. You will always get a seat there, it's either inside the restaurant (with air-con) or outside (not that hot in the early morning).

Will I visit this restaurant again?

Everyone have different taste, preference, and opinion so what I wrote in this post might not apply to you but still, I hope it helped you in someway :)
每个人都有每个人的喜好和意见,所以我这里写的可能跟你想的不一样,可是还是希望你看了这一篇后,对你有一点帮助 :)

You never know how it feels until it happens to you.
You won't understand, and you will NEVER understand how it's killing me inside. 

Hi people, I have been inactive for so long due to my schedule (and infinity laziness). I can't believe my comeback blog post is actually something unpleasant. Unpleasant till a point that I got really mad and decided to write a blog post about it.

My family members, especially my mum is a loyal fan of GOSHOP (the first TV shopping platform by ASTRO). She bought all kinds of kitchen essentials from there and all that were good memories until this happened to us recently.


9:30 am - GOSHOP made a live broadcast for a product we like so my mum and I were quite excited for it. We decided to purchase online since they promoted that online buyers will be entitled with 5% discount (price after discount: RM179). 

Unfortunately, it still charged me the original price RM189 no matter how many times I try so I just call the hotline. 

10:07 -  I told the staff about the problem and he put me on hold for at least 10 minutes (at least). 

After the wait, he finally came back and said "Um sorry Miss, I try to log in with my account and it showed the discount price. I also don't know what's wrong with your account" LOL okay maybe it's just our bad luck. The staff said he will cancel the order (cause initially we paid RM189 by card) and suggest us to select cash on delivery cause by selecting that option guarantee got discount. 

10:24 - Our call finally ended and he finally cancelled my order so I can reorder the whole thing again. I tried with my fastest speed and finally settle the whole order thing. I will be honest, GOSHOP is probably the shittiest online shop I have ever used. 
About 3 weeks after our online purchase, GOSHOP called my mum and say our order is delayed because of the shipping company GDex. 

I personally feel that this is quite irresponsible. This is like saying "Hey it's not our fault that the building is collapsing, it's the materials' fault". Okay la, maybe not that exaggerating but hello? Delay for so long but no compensation at all. Just a late phone call and that's all.

Today (1/2/2017) 
We finally got our items at the original price. I decided to call the customer hotline to ask and the staff just said "You got the original price cause you ordered at 10:35"



Sadly, I was 5 minutes late as the broadcast ended at 10:30. I think it's really ridiculous that they still charge me the original price because:
  1. The staff used so much time putting me on hold 
  2. I already purchased it earlier and only reordering because of the unknown error that appeared on my mum's online account
  3. After wasting so much time, the staff can't even tell me what kind of problem my mum's online account is facing lol

I was SO ANGRY on the line but I still tried to explain the situation to the staff.  Wanna guess how the staff reply me? 
"I don't know what are you talking about...." I EXPLAINED THREE FUCKING TIMES AND HE HUNG UP ON ME. 
The last time I got so mad on the phone is because of SKYNET's horrible service. I can't believe it happened again, from a big company- ASTRO GOSHOP. 

I am honestly very disappointed. Yes, GOSHOP provides good deals and interesting products but the service is SHIT. Our family bought so many products from you guys, we have been so supportive but this is how you treat your customers.

 I will advise you to upgrade your online website and maybe put reminders like  "Dear customers, we don't guarantee that 5% discount so just call us to order. Don't waste your time browsing our shitty online store because if you face problems while using it, we most probably don't know why and won't be helpful :D"

Lastly, I am sorry for all the foul words and anger from this post. Maybe this is just my bad experience. I really hope there will be improvements in the future. If anyone encountered any bad experience with ASTRO GOSHOP before, do email/comment and share it with me. 

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