My Grilled Sandwich @ Kampar

My Grilled Sandwich @ Kampar

(They are currently closed but I believe they will grow bigger sooooon ;) )
Hi people! I'm kinda excited to publish this post because what makes this food stall that I'm going to introduce special is that it was run by the students from my school (My seniors yay!).
I've worked on this post for like a week since I wanted to know their background story and so I carried out an online interview with the co-founders of My Grilled Sandwich. Our conversation lasted for a few days. I also managed to try all of their sandwiches, so proud to say that haha yayyy
This is something new to me since this is like the first time I'm doing a project like this (yes it's a project to me and I loved it).

Their food stall is located at 金晶冰屋 @ Kampar. 
Address/地址:2312, Jalan Kolej, Taman Bandar Baru, Kampar, Perak
Opening hours: 6.00pm - 11.30pm
Click here to view their Facebook page for more info.
Click here to view their Instagram for more info.

So, this is how their stall looks like.
Most of the people would take the set cause it's only additional RM2 compared to the ala carte.
The steps are really simple, you just have to pick your flavor!

My friend, Tracy ordered Rosemary honey chicken while I ordered BLT so we could try both flavors. 
I would say all the bacon lovers out there won't be able to resist BLT.
A friend of mine who likes bacon a lot, would always go with BLT without hesitation.
(BLT is co-founder Jia ling's favorite #randomfact)
Tracy said the Rosemary one tasted really fresh with its herbs. 
Oh, she also mentioned that the smell was great.
喜欢烟熏肉的朋友们无法抵挡BLT的魅力吧,我有个很喜欢烟熏肉的朋友,除了这个从不点别的。(这也是其中一个创办人Jia Ling最喜欢的口味)
It's true that they have the best mashed potatoes.
You MUST try this, no regrets!

Something extra 穿插一下

 Btw kind reminder, don't order this cause it's all artificial colors (it's less scary with my edits) and it freaked us out.
 You can choose this one instead, jelly thingy.
I forgot what its called in English, please refer to Chinese ver!

I also tried the Vietnam spring roll thingy last time when I was with another friend and it tasted great!

Okay back to this! After a few days, I went back to the place with my coursemates.
I ordered the Black pepper and All American Breakfast.
Yes I finished them by myself. I can eat a lot *victory sign*
回来正题!几天后,我和同系的朋友们一起去吃的时候,我叫了另外两个口味,黑胡椒和All American Breakfast。
是的,我一个人吃完两份了,因为我很能吃 yay
Look how juicy this is, literally love.
And then this is when I realize black pepper is my true love omg
I was never really into black pepper flavor but I would say this is my fav out of all.
I even wonder why isn't this the best-selling sandwich! Lol
看到那个汁吗, 真爱啊。
My coursemate  Ling ling ordered the same too.
Black pepper ftw!
同系朋友也叫了黑胡椒 #黑胡椒是人生大赢家

This is All American Breakfast. 
(Co-founder Nick's favorite #randomfact)
这个是All American Breakfast。

It's slightly dry to me but still I would say this is for those who like crispy texture.
It's because I personally  prefer juicy ones like the Black pepper flavor haha #canyoustopalready

I am really honored to have an online interview (Q&A session or whatever you call it) with the founders.They were really nice cause I asked tons of question (I'm annoying Ikr lol) but yet they still managed to answer them patiently. 
I'll list out the Q&As below, most of the answers are their original words, I only edited them for grammar purpose. The conversation was originally in English and I translated them in Chinese as well :D
其实真的很荣幸可以采访My Grilled Sanwich的创办人们,他们都很有耐心回答我一大堆问题。我会在下面列出所有问题,回答大多都是原话,我稍微做了些语法更改,原对话是以英语进行,可是我也有翻译成中文版的 :D

Q: How many people are there running this stall together?
A: There are 3 co-founders to this business but currently left 2 because one left the business to further his career. All together there are 3 workers per day (2 co-founders and 1 paid staff).

Q: Can the both of you please introduce yourself, names, year of birth and the course that you two are doing? 

(I was told that I'm talking to both of them at the same time lol)
A: Jia Ling, born in 14/2/1993, graduated during August last year from Banking and Finance course. Nicholes Lee, born in 7/10/1993, graduating in March 2016 from accounting course.
答:Jia Ling, 14/2/1993 (啊情人节),2015年8毕业于金融系
Nicholes Lee, 7/10/1993 (天秤诶),将于这个月内毕业于会计系。

Q: Why are you two so free to reply right now?

(Because they replied during their opening hours and if you have visited their stall before, they are ALWAYS busy)
A: We are slightly free now because is non-peak hour.

Q: Who was the one who came up with this idea?

A: It was after internship where we three discovered what we really wanted to do. Three of us are good friends since foundation. We three connected the dot where we wanted to pursue entrepreneurship and venturing into f&b business.

Q: How long did it took to make this happen? 

A: So the planning process began on January 2015 - July 2015 (around 7-8 months) where we gradually build our business model and trying out menu. 

Q: When was the first day you guys open this food stall? How was the feedback for the first day? 

A:1st August 2015. We were told that we have good service, the best mashed potato, and long waiting hours.

Q: I know each Sandwich have their supporters but which one is the best selling Sandwich among all?

A:We have two winners which is the "All American breakfast sandwich" and "Rosemary honey chicken".
答:我们有两位赢家,"All American breakfast sandwich" 和 "Rosemary honey chicken"。

Q: Which one is your personal favorite and why would you recommend it? 

A: Jia ling- BLT because anything taste good with bacon.  
Nick- All American Breakfast cause it has hashbrown which is the crunchy element in it.
答:Jia Ling- BLT,因为烟熏肉跟什么配搭都很好吃。
Nick- All American Breakfast,因为里面有脆脆的hashbrown啊。

Q:How did you decide the name for the food stall? 

A:We wanted to project a direct and clear brand name of what we are selling which are grilled sandwiches.

Q:Are there any plans after you guys graduate? Will you continue or haven't figure about it yet?

A:We are fresh graduates and the business goes on with a definite further plan to expand it.
(Yay I can't wait when they open an actual store for it!)
(啊啊啊 我真的非常期待他们有实体店的一天^^)

Q:Does this mean people will still get your Sandwich even after March? 


Q:What's the most special order that you guys have taken before?

A:Our monster sandwich was truly inspired by our customer. He ordered a sandwich which includes a piece of chicken, 3 slices of bacon, 2 hashbrown, an egg, and ham.
答:我们的monster sandwich启发于我们的顾客,他叫了一个三文治,里面有1片鸡肉、3片烟熏肉、2个hashbrown、1个煎蛋和1片火腿。

Q:Is there any customers that made you guys leave a deep impression towards him/her?

A:Yes we do have alot of customers that leave us a deep impression towards them. Most of it are our supportive customers.

Q:What time is your peak hour?

A: 6.30PM-9.30PM and 10.30PM-11.30PM
答:6.30PM-9.30PM 和 10.30PM-11.30PM。

Q:Running f&b is especially tiring, what makes you relieve/happy even after a long day work?

A: As time passes by, we slowly adapt to the level of physical stress. At the end of every business day, instead of feeling tired, we are happy and blessed to achieve our business goals as well as many happy customers who gave us motivation and amazing feedback. Well, that truly lighten up our whole day and keep us looking forward everyday. 

Q: Is there any difference after the people in university knew you guys run a f&b business in Kampar?
A:Surprisingly, we have inspired many of them to own their own fnb business as well as chasing their dreams. They do show their respect to us and supported us in many ways. We can do it, they can too.

Q:Did your friends and family supported you? 

A:Initially our family rejected the idea. But, who is able to vision our dreams clearly other than ourselves。We took our passion and turn it into a business that has been a live changing process to us. We have their full support now.

Q:What was the hardest part running this business?
A: It's tough that we didn't have any background in operating a FNB business. Coming from banking finance as well as accounting course, we were not given any knowledge related to the basics of running a business.

I'm really grateful that they answered my questions patiently. I hope that this post somehow make you know more about their business and inspired you to pursue your dreams. Btw, I admire their friendship.
真的很感激他们如此有耐心回答我的问题,我希望你们看了这一篇之后会让你更了解他们背后的故事,又或者启发你去追求自己的梦想,他们的友情也是值得学习的事 啊。

You taste dreams in their sandwiches :)
那个,三文治里面有梦想的味道 :)

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