
I just got home from watching "Zootopia", the movie was great but my mood wasn't. I should be sleeping now but I just thought I need to update my blog and express some of my thoughts. No, this is not going to be a review for the movie nor a "cheerful" post.

We always expect people to be kind to us just because we treated them nicely. No, life doesn't work that way. People take things for granted. They don't appreciate for what you have done for them and yet, they would exploit and blame you once you can't complete their favor for them.

For instance, I always try to not be too calculative when it comes to money issues with the people around me but it makes me doubt myself if I'm doing the right thing. I don't like to have money relationship with the people around me cause it's sensitive and yes, it does destroy one's relationship. 
It's funny how people could be so ridiculously shameless to ask you pay them when you've done so many stuff for them without costing them a sen. 
My friend, you would be broke by now if I ask you to pay for the things I did for you lol
You, being realistic isn't a bad thing but ask yourself if you want your friend to treat you the same. Would you want him/her to ask you to pay for the the utility fees that you've used? Would you want him/her to calculate every sen you owed him/her?
Not only money issues, there are so much more little things. The unnoticeable little things that the people around you that have done for you. Did you even realize and thank them for it?
Appreciate things before they are gone because, karma will serve its duty for people who take things for granted.

Dear you, I hope you would learn how to not take things for granted someday :)

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