Vaporicious cafe @ Kampar

Hi guys, I'm done with all the very very very stressed stuff. I also apologize for not updating my blog for quite a while!
And so this post is going to introduce a cafe I went days ago with Ah kit and our senior, Simon.It's called Vaporicious cafe and it is located at WestCity area @ Kampar 
这次要更新的是前几天,我跟啊杰还有我们一个前辈(我们叫他西门前辈吧)去的一间cafe,它就是位于金宝WestCity的Vaporicious cafe。

Address 地址: 11-G, Pusat Perdagangan, Jalan Kampar Barat 1, 31900 Kampar, Perak Kampar, Perak

Opening hours 营业时间: 3:00 pm - 12:00 am daily
Contact number 联络号码: 05- 4653537
Click here to log on their fb page!

Their slogan is very unique to me. "Stop Smoking and Start Vaping. Keep Calm and Vape On", they have that printed on their job uniforms.  

I heard that they provide transportation service but I'm not sure about it so I asked them on fb but they never replied. Oh wells

From my view that day.

There are "love locks" on the fencing thingy. 

They have two darts machines there.
Deposit is RM5 provided with 3 darts if I'm not mistaken.

Ah kit and Simon :D
I feel like the third wheel that day.
Simon treated us for the whole day so here's a solo picture of him to show my gratitude haha
He's single (even though I do felt like a third wheel that day) and you're welcome to pm for his details!
虽然他跟啊杰很像情侣可是他现在单身啦,大家对他有兴趣的话,欢迎来询问详情 :D

Simon's root beer float (RM6.90)
He didn't mention anything specific about it, he only said that he wanted to have a taste of his childhood haha

 I ordered this Special Cheesy Chicken Waffle (RM 13.80) as it seems interesting and the waitress told us that they made their own sauce.

The waffle is very soft till a point that I feel that it's more like pancakes lol
The chicken was so-so, they have veggie, cheese slice and their self-made sauce included.
Honestly, the sauce was quite sick (not really in a good way).
I personally love cheese very much and I eat a lot but I didn't even want to finish it that day lol 
No worries, I still finished it cause I don't like to waste food.
The waitress recommended this page as well but we didn't order anything here.
Ah kit ordered this Rendang chicken rice (RM6.50, cheaper than root beer float ah!?)
According to our pro kia Ah kit, 
he said that the rendang paste definitely comes from an instant food can. 
He even recognized the brand lol but I'm not going to state it here.

The waitress recommended us the drinks from this page but we weren't interested in chocolate or coffee flavors hah

We ordered two flavors from here instead. 
It says buy 1 refill 1 so it's like RM 8.90 per drink. 
They will serve you one drink first then the second drink after you finished half of your first drink.

Mango flavored that doesn't taste like mango to us. 
The taste was... kinda strange and we couldn't  even describe the taste.

The champagne one was kinda tasteless but better than the mango one.
At least we know it's a champagne flavored drink lol

We also ordered the sweet potato egg puff (RM5) since someone told us their egg puff was great.

It wasn't especially delicious but it tasted the best among everything we ordered that day!

As for the bill, you have to pay additional 10% as its service charge.

Who would specially like this restaurant? 
People who stay around Westcity? People who vape? People who adore their food? Because we do know a few people who complimented their dessert

Is this price range okay?
The price is appropriate for its environment. The price is actually similar to those nice cafes out there.

How is the environment?
I actually kinda like the furnishing and stuff.
 I saw some students have group discussion/study there and I thought yeah it's pretty nice to study there plus they have air-con.

Will I visit this restaurant again?
Nope, I wasn't impressed by their food. 
However, I would want to highlight that, the waitress who served us that day gave me a pleasant impression. She was very friendly and I appreciate her attitude :D

Everyone have different taste, preference, and opinion so what I wrote in this post might not apply to you but still, I hope it helped you in someway :)
每个人都有每个人的喜好和意见,所以我这里写的可能跟你想的不一样,可是还是希望你看了这一篇后,对你有一点帮助 :)

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