Priorities & promises 

(P/S: I'm an extreme person and I might sound like a mean person in this post.)

Texted Mel last night and we had a deep conversation (like we always do during midnight).We talked about several things and some of them are what I'm going to write about in this post.

I always remember people's words and this makes me feel like shit because I live in an era where people like to make empty promises whenever they want to. They say it like they are going to accomplish it, give you all the high hopes and then make you a fool in the end.

"Promises are meant to break".
Why do you make a promise when you're going to break it?
I wonder if breaking a promise has become a habit to some of the people.
I don't know, I might sound arrogant but I keep my words most of the time. I said "most of the time", because sometimes I still break promises unintentionally but not all the time. I always try my best to fulfill the promises I made instead of just breaking them like a coward.

At the same time, I think priorities are related to promises as well. I think the possibility of  people keeping their promises are higher when the target is important to them.
During the last semester break, my friends and I agreed to have dinner together by the first week of this semester since we haven't meet each other for a pretty long time. And days before the dinner, we had to call it off because one of our friends need to save money lol. From my view, I believe people wouldn't mind spending a few dollars to have a meal with their friends IF their friends are important to them (plus we mentioned about the dinner for like weeks ago and a few weeks is enough to save money for a meal).
This might seem like a small issue but, "Big or small, a promise is a promise".

I won't blame you if you failed to keep your promise after you made an effort because I know at least you tried. To those who just simply break their promises, have fun with it #karmawillcomeforyou
Like I mentioned, I'm an extreme person, I could forgive but never forget #youknowwhoyouare

Sometimes it sucks when you cherish someone's existence but yet you're worthless to them. Why? Cause you're not their first priority (not even on their top 10 priorities sometimes). Do not expect people to treat you the same as the way you treat them. Life isn't fair like that. I try to maintain the relationship with the people who I care cause we never know what would happen next so I always tell myself not to have regrets.
However, relationships doesn't last if it's an one-way-communication.
I cared, you ignored and I don't give a damn anymore #connectionlost

So, have you figured out who's your first priority and who placed you as his/her first priority? When's the last time you made a promise?  How often do you make a promise? Do you keep or break your words more?
Do share your thoughts with me.
A visit to Aquaria KLCC 水族馆之旅

Last month when I was still on my semester break, I went to the Aquaria @ KLCC with Nick as both of us haven't been there before. I was kinda excited since I've always wanted to visit an aquarium cause the last time I visited one was like during my primary school trip in Singapore.

*Based on the official website (Feb 2016)
The aquarium is available daily from 10.30am - 8.00pm (that includes weekends and public holidays!) 
Please take note that the last admission to the Aquaria is 7.00pm.

We purchased the ticket with our myKad at the price of RM46 per pax.
Their admission fees:

  • Adults are RM64 (general) and RM46 (for MyKad holders)
  • Child (3-12 years old): RM53 (general) and RM35 (for MyKad holders)
  • Senior citizen (60 years old and above): RM43 (general) and RM35 (for MyKad holders)

Click here to check their promotions. They have special promotions for specific cards/occasions.


  • 成人票:RM64 (普通价) and RM46 (马来西亚身份证拥有者)
  • 儿童票 (3 - 12岁):RM53 (普通价) and RM35 (马来西亚身份证拥有者)
  • 60岁或以上:RM43 (普通价) and RM35 (马来西亚身份证拥有者)

更多优惠详情可以点这里 ,水族馆会对特定的会员卡、信用卡、特别节日给予打折。

Don't worry if you're a foreigner and you wish to visit the Aquaria at a lower rate, I've found a solution for you :D
I found this Malaysian website here that sells e-ticket to the Aquaria at RM45. You could probably ask help from a Malaysian friend for the purchase or you could do it yourself if you own a Facebook account so you don't need a Malaysian number to sign up for the page. However, you still need to call the number provided on the page to check the availability of the service based on the date of your choice.
Please take note that you have to purchase at least 2 e-tickets and there's a deadline for this service (15th Dec 2015 till 31st March 2016) so act quick if you're interested.

I don't remember if it's before or after we purchase our ticket, the staff asked us to take a picture together and we were like "huh so suddenly I'm so unprepared asdfghjkl"
The ticket is not in paper form, it's like a card where you insert it into those LRT/monorails machines. There will be a staff standing there so no worries with this procedure.

That's the card I was talking about. It looks like it got reused for tons of times.
The paper behind the card is a receipt where they give it to you after they ask you to take the picture.
You can choose to buy or not to buy your picture before you leave the Aquaria.
(We left without having a glance of our picture because we know we'd look weird in it haha)

Check their feeding time here cause we basically missed every feeding hah #whyohwhy
*You're allowed to take pictures but please remember not to turn on your flashlight.

The otters are like one of my favs in this whole aquarium.
 There's a glass thingy underneath the otter place so you could observe the otters down there.
Oh, that's Nick btw.

 I don't even know how I shot this haha 

 The sea turtle is another lovely sea creature there.

 Hi Dory and nemos :D

I just figure out that I didn't take any shots of the sharks but the specimen of their teeth instead lol

We also asked the staff why didn't the sharks eat the other sea creatures. The staff replied patiently, saying that sharks doesn't eat that much and they only consume 2% food of their body (I think this is what they said). The staff also mentioned that they feed their sharks on time. One fun fact is that, they have to keep the lights on in the aquarium otherwise, the sharks would attack the others in the dark (Oh you evil sea creature). The staff in the aquarium were very friendly so feel free to ask them about your doubts regarding the aquarium :)
我们也有问工作人员为什么鲨鱼不吃其他鱼儿的原因,对方很有耐心,告诉我们说鲨鱼本身就吃不多,它们只需要摄取它们身体2%的食物 (我没理解错的话),而且工作人员也有定时喂食。但是一定要注意的是,他们一定要打开水族馆里的灯,要不然鲨鱼会在黑暗中攻击其他小动物,超阴险的对吧。水族馆里的工作人员都很友善,所以大家有疑问的话,可以请教他们喔。

I personally think most of the sea creatures were kinda...ugly and bizarre. My friend asked if the aquarium was worth a visit and Nick joked "You can come if you like ugly creatures". In general we thought it was okay because we actually spent 2.5 hours in the aquarium (and I didn't even realize that!) #timeflies #youmustbehavingagoodtime
Do visit this aquarium with a friend so you could tell him/her how ugly the sea creatures are in the spot :D
大家记得带伴去水族馆,这样才可以与对方分享,当下觉得那里的动物得的怪异的心情喔 :D

Review: Thai Movie "Seniors" (Runpee) 泰国电影鬼学长的个人观后感

Around last week, I saw this trailer of a Thai movie called "Seniors".  (p/s: "Runpee” is the Thai pronunciation of "seniors")Coincidentally, my friend Khor tagged me on facebook about this movie so we went for this movie together on the following weekend.


Click here to watch:
Trailer 1 and Trailer 2

!!! Spoilers alert

Mon, the girl in the movie can actually sense supernatural stuff with her sense of smell. That's why from the beginning of the story, "senior" begs her to give him a hand to solve a murder case. The murder case happened at the place where Mon is currently studying at. It used to be a princess's home before it transformed into a school. Senior couldn't give up investigating because the suspected murderer of the princess was his relative, who is also the gardener. The gardener was given death sentence for something he didn't do. Not to mention that, most people would think Mon is crazy because she always talk by herself but the truth is, she was talking to the invisible Senior.

Characters list
Mon 女主角
  • The girl who could sense ghost by smelling 可以透过嗅觉感应灵异物体

Senior 学长
  •  The ghost from an older generation (very handsome as a ghost lol) 学长属于旧时代的人,看到女主角的笔记电脑还以为是电视机哈哈哈
  • Asks helps from Mon to solve a murder case that happened long time ago 一直拜托女主角与他一起查案

Ant 蚂蚁妹纸
  • Mon's one and only friend 女主角唯一的好朋友
  • A very lovely girl but she fell for the wrong guy 是个很善良的女生可是却爱错郎

The victim princess 公主
  • The victim who was said got killed by the gardener a long time ago 当时的园丁被指为谋杀她的人
  • Her house turned into a school after her death 女主角现在的学校原本是她的家

According to Senior, there are three suspects 学长认为有三个嫌疑犯
Suspect 1 (the old doctor) 老医生
  • The only alive suspect so far 三人中只有他尚在人间
  • The victim princess's doctor and secret lover 公主的御用医生及秘密情人
  • He actually has a wife who works as a nurse but she passed away 他其实有个护士妻子可是过后妻子去世了
Suspect 2 (the lawyer) 律师
  • He's supposed to share the victim princess's property with the old doctor but he broke his promise 原本应该与老医生平分公主去世后的遗产却食言了
  • His ghost stops Mon and senior from investigation every time 他的灵魂总是妨碍女主角和学长调查
  • He has a wife 他有个妻子
Suspect 3 (the secretary) 秘书
  • She was said to be missing but her ghost is behind the school wall 人们都说她失踪了,可是她的灵魂在学校墙壁后面

The gardener 园丁
  • He was sentenced to death as they suspected him to be the one who murdered the victim princess 被指杀害公主所以被判死刑
  • Senior's relative 学长的亲戚
  • His ghost is always wondering around Mon's school screaming that he is innocent 他的灵魂总是在学校里逗留,呐喊他是无辜的。

The headmistress (also a nun) 修女院长
  • She's the headmistress of Mon's school 女主角学校的修女院长
  • She never know who her real parents are 她从来不知道自己真正的父母是谁

1. Friendship view 友情角度

Mon's one and only friend - Ant

Ant, who is super friendly never gives up approaching Mon. They share a similarity which is, both of them always get bullied all the time. The difference is, Mon is tough while Ant is the opposite.
One day, Ant approaches Mon again but Mon scolded her fiercely, The truth is, Mon was actually scolding Senior instead of Ant. However, Ant still insist to give Mon a raincoat on a rainy day despite the fact that Mon "scolded" her earlier. After spending time together for quite a period, both of them became really good friends.

Ant fell in love and had sex with her chemistry teacher. (This part was a lil confusing because Ant realize she got pregnant in the washroom, but then Khor and I think that the pregnancy was fake as we continue watching the movie.)
Mon went to talk to the chemistry teacher, they didn't come to an agreement and Mon decided to report it to the police. Unfortunately, the teacher owns Ant's nudes. Mon started begging the teacher but the teacher was a jerk, he even wanted to sleep with Mon as a favor. Luckily, Mon did not fall for it and escaped from the scene.

One day, Mon went out for investigation with Senior again. When she's not around school, Ant got bullied by the other girls. They tear her clothes, hair...all the violent acts and someone even recorded it. After Mon got back, she found Ant crying alone in the store room. Like a loving sister, Mon takes care of Ant's wounds and stuff. They slept on the same bed and Ant started asking Mon about the guy (Senior) who stood beside of Mon the other day. Mon was surprised at the fact that Ant could see Senior because whoever who sees Senior are the ones who are dying. This also hinted that Ant's death is approaching.

Soon, the video Ant got bullied and her nudes were uploaded to social media. She was really upset but at the same time she couldn't reach Mon (Mon was in detention), and so under all these stress, she decided to commit suicide by hanging herself at the school balcony. Mon only knew that Ant died after she ended her detention. She then asked Senior to help her to put on a revenge on the asshole chemistry teacher.
The revenge part was freak us out honestly especially when Khor and I have Trypophobia (which is also a fear of holes lol)
Khor didn't even watch the whole part lol
I was so scared that I don't know if I should cover my eyes or ears first (Well,I could actually close my own eyes while covering my ears lol)
The asshole teacher got horrified and he chose to report himself to the police and accept the punishment given.
On the other hand, the mean girl who always lead to bully Ant couldn't runaway from her guilt too. After apologizing to Mon, she told Mon that she keeps dreaming about Ant hanging herself in front of her. (This part was a lil creepy too T_T) She also mentioned the fact that Ant truly appreciates Mon.
话说,这一部分真的吓死有密集恐惧症的我和长腿妹纸了 ,长腿朋友完全没有看哈哈哈
各种特效真的做得很逼真,我只有两只手也不知道要遮眼睛还是盖耳朵 (你可以闭上眼睛然后再盖耳朵啊 = =)

After all these ended, Mon looked at Ant's phone and the wallpaper was their last selfie together. Suddenly, Mon sensed that Ant's around her. Lastly, Ant left after leaving her last words to Mon.

Honestly, I'm really envious of their friendship. Mon would always do her best to protect and take care of Ant while Ant would always give Mon the best. Their friendship is one of the most important messages I got from this movie.

2. About love (relationship) 感情方面

Let's leave Mon and senior's love story aside. The victim princes's dead lawyer (who is also one of Senior's suspects) would never leave Mon and Senior alone. He would always interrupt the two in a very evil and brutal way.
The dead lawyer made his first appearance when Mon is asking the dead lawyer's wife questions regarding the case downstairs while senior is finding the documents upstairs. The dead lawyer then started fighting with Senior and he tried to kill Mon. The wife's gunshot successfully stopped the drama. Here comes the question, how did the dead lawyer's wife saw senior and her husband's ghosts? This hinted her upcoming death.
There was a scene where she was left alone in the house and she started talking to her husband. After that, she killed herself.
Mon and senior got interrupted while they are investigating the case in the library again, but this time, it wasn't only the dead lawyer, but he and his wife, such a sweet couple lol
This is also the factor why Mon got detention.
The reason why the dead lawyer would never leave the two alone is because, his wife killed the victim princess's secretary. He was concern that the two would find out what his wife did.Although the dead lawyer was so evil, but then all he wanted to do was to protect his wife's sins. I guess this is where love comes in.
先不说学长和女主角的爱情故事吧, 公主当时的律师(学长认为的嫌疑犯之一)的鬼魂总是打扰女主角和学长调查案件,律师的鬼魂也算是到了恶灵的程度。
第一次出现的时候,女主角正在他家楼下访问他老婆;学长则在楼上寻找资料。律师恶灵就开是不管三七二十一跟学长打架 (啊 你这老头体力还真不错啊),还想掐死上楼探个究竟的女主角,最后学长和律师恶灵的闹剧因律师老婆的枪声而阻止。疑点来了,为什么律师老婆能看见这两个灵魂呢?这也暗示了律师老婆的死亡。
女主角和学长在图书馆查案的时候又遇到了恶灵的阻碍,只是不同的是,这次是恶灵夫妻档,因为律师老婆也成了恶灵(啊 两夫妻感情真好 = =)

What I'm going to say next is about a special character in this movie,who is the super sunshine doctor who likes Mon very much. At the beginning, I thought he was just being nice to Mon but then the truth is, he likes Mon a lot. Mon would ask help from the doctor to get some documents from the hospital. She also promised to have dinner with him in return. Super sunshine doctor said that Mon's name must have came from the cartoon "Doraemon", but then Mon replied that her name came from the word "Demon". However, super sunshine doctor didn't give up. He went to search for the best mashed potato place as it is Mon's favorite food. How sweet is that!? He also bought Mon a special demon look Doraemon toy lol
He's probably Khor and my favorite character. You can feel all the positive vibes from his role.
女主角会去拜托阳光男医生已取得与案件有关的医院资料,而作为补偿,女主角答应与医生共餐。在阳光男医生说女主角的名字 Mon一定是Doraemon的意思后,女主角恐吓医生回答说 “我名字里的Mon其实是Demon(恶魔)的Mon”。尽管如此,阳光男医生依然保持开朗的心态,继续约女主角,记得女主角喜欢吃蕃薯泥还去找了有好吃的蕃薯泥餐厅。对了,他还买了个恶魔造型的哆啦A梦给女主角哈哈哈
Where they had dinner together <3

so damn cute I cannot asdfghjkl
(from @werawee)

Finally, what I remember about senior and Mon is where senior gets jealous. It's really cute that he tries to make the restaurant's lights go wrong and bangs the door whenever Mon's with the super sunshine doctor. They could walk together like normal people (Although Mon got misunderstood as some mental disable person again as she talk by herself lol) and both of them love the same old vintage photo gallery place. The scene where senior rescued her was really heroic, plus their skinship was pretty rare throughout the whole movie.  Senior remembered his death after the mystery case was solved, he had to leave as souls can only stay in the human world for a limited time. In the end, Mon wrote him a letter cause senior once told her that his generation wrote letters to know girls. Mon saw the news that their favorite vintage photo gallery place are going to dismantle and her laptop screen appeared a message which told her to keep an eye on the rightmost corner photo. So, she still manage to see senior's face in the end :)

3. The ending, the truth, the father and karma 结局、真相、父亲和因果报应

The one who killed the victim princess was the current headmistress (also a nun) of this school. The princess was actually an evil person and she adopted the young headmistress. The young headmistress was also the daughter of the princess's lover (the old doctor). One day, the princess wanted to catch the runaway young headmistress, but then she fell by the poolside and the young headmistress pushed her into the pool (a lil illogical I know). The young headmistress tried to rescue the princess but failed to do so and that leads to the princess's death.

The old doctor did several things to protect his daughter:
(i) He made the gardener the murderer
(ii) The princess was so powerful and she would only let the old doctor to choose one between his wife and daughter to live. The old doctor sacrificed his own wife after she gave birth to their daughter.
(iii) When senior was still alive, he actually went to visit the old doctor to ask him about the case. He even went to the poolside but then he got shot by the old doctor because he was afraid that senior would find out about his daughter's crime. That is why Mon sensed the smell of bullets (senior's death) when she went to the poolside.
(iv) The old doctor wanted to kill Mon as well. Senior wasn't the only one who saved Mon, the old doctor's dead wife pushed him down the clock tower too. I guess this is his karma.

(iii)学长生前拜访老医生后,自己还去了泳池查案,老医生因为担心女儿的罪行会被揭发,因此开枪杀死了学长。这也是为什么女主角在案发现场嗅到了子弹的味道 (学长的死亡)

I really like the way Thai movies portray the story lines. Most of their story lines makes sense and they always try to bring out some kind of message to the audience.
I would really recommend you to watch this movie if it's still up at your place. The story line is quite special and it is also a great movie to watch with your crush ;)

Jannine Weigel who played Mon is mix of German and Thai. She's a youtuber btw, she covered many songs and she also sang for the OST of this movie! I also can't believe that she's at the same age as my younger sister, both of them were born in year 2000.

  • Jannine's youtube channel here
  • Jannine's Instagram here
  • Senior's instagram here
  • Super sunshine doctor's instagram here

Khor and me. Btw she promised to help me with my blog design so you are my witness!
长腿朋友与我。话说,她答应给我做设计,所以你们要当证人啊 :p

I took two days plus to finish this post
Why did I started blogging again

Hi there!

If you are reading my blog right after I published this post, I believe you must be someone I know since I sort of posted about my blog on my Snapchat and Instagram.
You must be wondering, "why Joey suddenly open a blog ah?" (in Malaysian accent btw)
I know the existence of blog since I was around 12 and I was kind of active in blogging when I was in high school until one day I just stopped blogging and it has been quite a period. I checked that the last time I blogged something on my previous blog was in year 2013. Honestly, I don't know why, I just have the urge to open a blog again. 
If you know me, you'll know that I carry my camera with me most of the time and I take pictures of many things. So I was like, "Hey I should probably start blogging again, share my pictures and experiences with people, tell them where to visit, what to eat,  good deals...etc"
Also, one day I encountered my friend's friend's friend's blog (Wow what a close relationship and are you a stalker?) 
Thanks to this guy, I got inspired by his blog. I actually admire the way he shares his random thoughts and adventures in his blog (Yes, it's a he, let me know if you think you know who he is! :p)
So yeah, this time I'll try to keep my blog updated ...... weekly? We'll see!
Thanks for reading btw.
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