The 80's Guesthouse @ Penang and some general info

Hey guys! Sorry for the inactivity, I was busy with my finals, went on two trips after that and then my laziness strikes so yeah I'm updating about my first post about Penang trip now! Mashimaro and I have been talking about going to Penang for months and we finally made it! Our last paper was on 14th May and then we took the bus to Penang instantly after that.   

We met Jie wei's friend, Melanie on the bus, we had a little conversation and then she asked if we needed a lift to our hostel. 
We were really shocked and flattered like why the hell are we so lucky!?!? 
Her boyfriend was supposed to pick her up only and now he need to pick up two more awkweird strangers lol. 
She held the GPS so she could direct her boyfriend to drive us to the destination #relationshipgoals 
A great shout out to Melanie and her boyfriend for being so kind :D
在巴士上遇到了Jie wei的朋友 Melanie,然后对方超级好人问我们需不需要搭顺风车 T_T

This is Love Lane and The 80's Guesthouse is at the end, the edge of the lane.
By the way,  you can wait for the bus at the opposite of the location in this picture. Sounds strange but the bus stops somewhere around the burger stall opposite the location in the picture above. I'll try to upload the picture of the "bus stop" if I get to!
这个就是爱情巷,一直直走,The 80's Guesthouse就在尾端,角落处。
对了,要等巴士的话可以到这个图片的地点对面等,对面有burger档口,对,巴士会停那里,我也不知道为什么lol 下次有图片的话会更新的!

The poster of Audrey is like the main reason why I wanna visit this hostel haha

    I referred to the standards provided by HostelWorld when I write my opinions towards The 80s Guesthouse:
    我是参考HostelWorld给的标准写下我对The 80s Guesthouse的评语:

    Location 地点
    The location is pretty fine because it’s close to the bus stop and my fav drinking place (as for now) called antarabangsa enterprise. It’s quite convenient as you can walk to quite a lot of places from there.

    Staff 工作人员
    I read the reviews of the hostel beforehand and I realize that the people kept mentioning a staff called Farah. I finally met her and yes she was kinda cool. I still didn’t understand why she laughed when I told her I am from Ipoh though lol. I think I met 5-6 staffs in total and they are all fine in general.
    当我翻阅此旅行宿舍的评语时,发现很多人都会提到一个叫法拉的工作人员,结果和我想象的法拉不一样,果然很酷哈哈,虽然我不知道她为什么在我说我来自怡保后笑 = =
    我遇到的工作人员有5 -6 个吧,都挺好的。

      This is how the hostel looks like from the outside and these two people are the staff. 
      The right one in blue is Farah!
    Security  安全
    They close the gate door after 12 (or 11 I’m not so sure) but you can always ask the staff on duty to open it for you if you are coming back late.  They also provide a big locker for you to store your stuff and I really liked it as it was spacious (at least to me it is spacious).

    Facilities 设备
    I would say 4 shower rooms and 2 toilets are quite sufficient. Well, it’s a bit strange that the 2nd shower room have a very low water pressure while the 3rd shower room only supply hot water while we were there. In general, the facilities are great, they worked.
    4间冲凉房和2间厕所蛮充足的 ,虽然当时第二间冲凉房的水很小,然后第三间冲凉房只有热水(对,我们4间都试完了)。他们的设备保存得还不错,能用啦。
    You can watch the bluray DVDs as long as you do it before 11pm to avoid disturbing the others but honestly I think they shouldn't restrict on this one, maybe like lower the volume or something. 
    宿舍里有bluray DVD,任意大家看,只要是晚上11点前就行了,那里有写的,可是我觉得这个应该不要有限制,可能音量关小一下就好了吧。
    Breakfast is included! They serve simple breakfast like coffee, tea, toast, jam, fruits...
    Cleanliness 卫生
    The hostel maybe a little old but I would say it’s very clean. No bed bug problems. No disgusting toilet bowls. One of the cleanest hostel I’ve stayed. I didn't take any pictures of it because there were people in it all the time and I thought it'd be quite rude if I did so.

    Atmosphere 气氛
    Okay, the atmosphere varies every day. I’ll briefly write down my experience while I was there. You can definitely skip this part if you want.
    For the first day, we were a little terrified as the room is fully booked and the people in our room are constantly on their phone… I look forward to interact with other travellers but this certainly isn’t what I expected. Well, there was this one girl who seems approachable and her voice is really cheerful but we weren’t able to talk much so yeah. The first night was kinda tiring but I didn’t sleep well as I woke up at 3 thinking that it was morning already ugh. Btw, sleeping at the upper bunk is really tough to me especially after I sort of broke my left arm after trying to play the skateboard a day before.
    The second day, I had the opportunity to talk to the girl that I mentioned previously. Her name is Henny and she’s from UK. I was really surprised when I know that she’s younger than me by months and she have been backpacking around Asia already #goals. She mentioned that The 80s Guesthouse is one of the best hostels she has stayed. She also agreed when I said the people in our room last night were quite antisocial haha. She was really friendly and I totally regretted for not talking to her earlier. I hope she would enjoy Asia a lot and hopefully we would meet each other again. The second night, there’s this guy sleeping below mashimaro’s bunk and it’s funny how the way he puts his stuff near his bed makes it kinda challenging for mashimaro to climb up to her own upper bunk haha. This night only had 3 of us in the same dorm room.
    The third day, I spoke to the guy who slept mashimaro’s lower bunk. I still couldn’t figure out where he’s from and the whole conversation was basically me asking if he wants me to leave the dormitory door open because the aircon of the room got switched off (idk why) and he said no so that’s the end of our convo lol. Mashi and I then got back to the hostel after a long day and we met a German guy called Mario. He was reallyyyyyyy friendly and approachable. We even went out for drinking in antarabangsa after that. I’m really glad that I’ve met him and we still keep in touch until now.
    This mirror makes me look super good, that's what I think.

      Mashimaro being antisocial. 

    Value 价值
    I would say RM35 for a dormitory bed is really worth it and you can check their website for other room types and rates. They are not too expensive as well.

    So, these are my personal experiences when I was there and I hope they helped you somehow.Visit their official website here .

We met quite a lot of bus drivers throughout the trip and each of them are really helpful and kind.
We wanted to go back Chulia (where love lane is at) but we didn't know which bus to take then we asked if this number 12 bus would take us back. I think we were not part of the trip but the driver said he's going to grab a meal so he dropped us off there. He also gave us a mini RapidPenang map thingy and taught us a lot of stuff about the bus and routes haha.

RapidPenang was really convenient and it made our trip so much easier.

Some info about RapidPenang
1. KOMTAR is like the main bus station, it works like KL Central so you can go to pretty much everywhere you want from there because all buses will pass by there.
2. Bus number 101 is so freaking useful. Mashimaro and I went a lot of places by taking this bus.
3. Prepare small notes and coins! Most of the time, the bus tickets are around RM1.40, RM2.10 …etc and the bus driver won’t give you a change so do prepare small notes and coins beforehand.
4. Don’t be embarrassed to ask the drivers when you’re not sure if they are going to the destination you want. Most of them will be patient and more than happy to help you out. If they are not going to the location you want, just get off the bus. At least you learnt that the particular bus isn’t going to the place you want. You can also ask the bus driver to kindly remind you when the bus reached the desired destination.
5. If you’re already on the bus you’re supposed to be and the bus is too crowded (which makes you hard to reach bus driver), ask help from the other passengers. One day, Mashimaro and I wanted to go Gurney paragon but we are uncertain where we were lol so I asked a passenger immediately and she was like “Neh! This is Gurney paragon”, we were shocked and luckily we got off the bus just in time haha! Of course, I thanked her several times before we leave.

1. KOMTAR就像KL Central 一样的存在,总巴士站,所有巴士都会经过那里的。
2. 那个101号巴士也太神奇,我们基本上都是靠这个巴士到处游的。
3. 车票大概是RM1.40, RM2.10 ……所以 记得准备各种零钱和硬币,因为司机大哥大姐们不得空给你找钱啊。
4. 如果不确定巴士去不去你要的地点的话,可以先问司机,巴士有没有到那个地点。巴士司机们大多都很友善和有耐心(至少我们遇到的都挺好的吧)。如果问了司机可是巴士并没有到那个目的地的话,就下车啊,其实也没有很丢脸啦,而且也学到一点东西啊(脸皮会变厚啊)。你也可以要求司机到了你要的目的地后,温馨提醒一下,大多都会很乐意帮助你的。
5. 如果你已经上了巴士,可是巴士太拥挤,问不了司机东西,请勇敢地问其他本地乘客吧。那个时候,我和流氓兔要去Gurney Paragon吧,可是车上太多人了,我们不确定要在哪一站下所以就问一位乘客,“欸这位漂亮的大姐,请问我们还有多久到GP啊”,大姐就告诉我们“这里就是GP了啊”。当时吓死我们了,所以我们立刻按铃下车,真是太幸运了,谢谢大姐指点指点。

Click here to log on to their official website!

Some info about the ferry and jetty
1. If I’m not mistaken, you will only need to pay RM1.20 from Butterworth to the Penang Island and it is a round trip, which means you don’t have to pay/purchase any ticket when you want to go back to Butterworth from the island.
2. The schedule is not so consistent but the ferries appear quite frequent like every 20minutes?
3. Prepare earlier if you’re going to catch your bus in Butterworth because as mentioned, the schedule of the ferry is not consistent and! There are a lot of staircases and a long pathway after you got off the ferry!!! It’s like a freaking workout on your way to the bus station if you’re about to miss your bus like we did!!! We literally felt like the Amazing race contestants lol #teamAwkweirdjoeyandMashimaro

1. 如果没记错的话,坐游轮去槟城岛那里是RM1.20,而且是包来回的,所以去的时候要给,回的时候就不需要了。
2. 游轮的时间表不固定可是大概每20分钟会有一趟吧。
3. 如果要赶巴士的话要提早喔,因为游轮的时间表不固定,而且下了邮轮后那个楼梯和走廊超!!! 我们那个时候赶得要命,有种Amazing race参赛者的感觉,所以大家请早吧,要不然后果不堪设想哦。

 For more info about the ferry and stuff, click here :D

 There are a total of 3 posts about my Penang trip so stay tuned for the other two!


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